Oct 6, 2009


i passed my project presentation with flying kah-lerss
at least, that was what i told myself the moment it was over.. hehe
but anyway, it only contributes 30% to the whole mark
another 70% will come from the report
which seems to be the hardest part
since i can only focus and write in peace when i am at home.. hmmm..

anyway, last weekend, i bumped into an old friend of mine in the elevator
among all of my friends back in Uniten
this person is definitely the last person on earth i thought i would meet in Utm
doing master some more.. hahaha
but it was of course great seeing him again
but the not so great part is.. he's wayyyy slimmer to be the old him..
yes, hidir is now way slimmer, okkay
and when i asked him "wassup beb.. cmne bleh kurus ni.. mcm tk caye je"
he replied.. "ape lak.. kau la sumber inspirasi aku kt uniten dulu.."
boleh tk..??????????????
that wasn't the first time someone told me the same thing okkay
isn't it embarassing when someone look up to u in something
only at the end of the day they did much better than u

if only i can turn back time
if only i can lose 12kgs in 2 weeks
if only i can have my 51-kg weight again
if only i can wear size s again..

i seriously need to lose weight!
as in, pronto!
i have been gaining an extra 4 kgs after the wedding
i thought the husband should be gaining more
ini tidak adil.. huhuhu..

1 comment:

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

tapi dear, jgn stress sgt abt the weight. x silap, u're trying to conceive kan? too kurus or turun berat byk cepat2 could effect ur hardwork. heh. apa2 pun, chaiyokkk ok! :D

Oct 6, 2009


i passed my project presentation with flying kah-lerss
at least, that was what i told myself the moment it was over.. hehe
but anyway, it only contributes 30% to the whole mark
another 70% will come from the report
which seems to be the hardest part
since i can only focus and write in peace when i am at home.. hmmm..

anyway, last weekend, i bumped into an old friend of mine in the elevator
among all of my friends back in Uniten
this person is definitely the last person on earth i thought i would meet in Utm
doing master some more.. hahaha
but it was of course great seeing him again
but the not so great part is.. he's wayyyy slimmer to be the old him..
yes, hidir is now way slimmer, okkay
and when i asked him "wassup beb.. cmne bleh kurus ni.. mcm tk caye je"
he replied.. "ape lak.. kau la sumber inspirasi aku kt uniten dulu.."
boleh tk..??????????????
that wasn't the first time someone told me the same thing okkay
isn't it embarassing when someone look up to u in something
only at the end of the day they did much better than u

if only i can turn back time
if only i can lose 12kgs in 2 weeks
if only i can have my 51-kg weight again
if only i can wear size s again..

i seriously need to lose weight!
as in, pronto!
i have been gaining an extra 4 kgs after the wedding
i thought the husband should be gaining more
ini tidak adil.. huhuhu..

1 comment:

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

tapi dear, jgn stress sgt abt the weight. x silap, u're trying to conceive kan? too kurus or turun berat byk cepat2 could effect ur hardwork. heh. apa2 pun, chaiyokkk ok! :D