Aug 17, 2009


1. i am at the lowest-est point of my life. assignments, test, project report are undoubtedly the biggest contributors to the situation. I was staring at the assignment questions with an empty mind, the questions were very difficult, it takes at least 3 pages and hours to solve merely one question and there will be 4 questions to be answered during the one-hour test next week, and that was when it hit me hard. why do i have to go through all this shits? why do i have to suffer the pain and yet still get nothing in return? why do some people never have to do all those things yet still enjoy the luxury of life? why am i not like those people? why do i have to learn everything the hard way? i know, there is always a light at the end of every tunnel. but what if my tunnel is too long and i do not have time to reach the end?

2. my period is due this Wednesday. husband already bought a pregnancy test kit for me and i can't wait to try. period, please don't come. i want to get pregnant. i want to have a reason to be happy. i want to have a reason to wake up every morning.

3. i got an email from *** regarding my job application. please, please give me the job. i need it badly. i need it since forever. it has always been my dream since the first day i started my degree. so, please ya Allah, let me have the job.

1 comment:

skinoff said...

Good things come to those who wait :) nice photo bebi mwahsss.. u know u always can do it. juz need a lil patient k :)

Aug 17, 2009


1. i am at the lowest-est point of my life. assignments, test, project report are undoubtedly the biggest contributors to the situation. I was staring at the assignment questions with an empty mind, the questions were very difficult, it takes at least 3 pages and hours to solve merely one question and there will be 4 questions to be answered during the one-hour test next week, and that was when it hit me hard. why do i have to go through all this shits? why do i have to suffer the pain and yet still get nothing in return? why do some people never have to do all those things yet still enjoy the luxury of life? why am i not like those people? why do i have to learn everything the hard way? i know, there is always a light at the end of every tunnel. but what if my tunnel is too long and i do not have time to reach the end?

2. my period is due this Wednesday. husband already bought a pregnancy test kit for me and i can't wait to try. period, please don't come. i want to get pregnant. i want to have a reason to be happy. i want to have a reason to wake up every morning.

3. i got an email from *** regarding my job application. please, please give me the job. i need it badly. i need it since forever. it has always been my dream since the first day i started my degree. so, please ya Allah, let me have the job.

1 comment:

skinoff said...

Good things come to those who wait :) nice photo bebi mwahsss.. u know u always can do it. juz need a lil patient k :)