Sep 6, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin
This raya brings a lot more meaning to us as it is gonna be our first year with the little princess.. :) I know she understands nothing about raya but heck, I have bought like 9 pasang kot baju raya for adreanna.. plus the baju that my mum jahit in total she has 11 pasang.. hehe.. can’t wait to see her in the tiny baju kurung yang super comel because my mum buat ala2 fashion sket instead of plain baju kurung.. weee.. excited.. oh but I need to find a new hair band to match her raya outfit.. cream with a big flower.. so must go to cotton on this weekend.. and yeah, I think I also need to get the pink socks from lovely lace because.. hmm it’s too cute..?!! haha.. already bought a cream one yesterday but demm.. another pair won’t hurt, no? well, maybe my wallet does as it costs quite a lot jugak for just a pair of baby socks but.. it’s just plain too cute not to buy.. :D
Anyway, we will be celebrating our first day of raya in bangi this year.. so am not taking any leave before raya.. will still be working, I mean.. ‘coming to office’ on Monday.. but we can go back at 12.15pm.. woot woot..
Ok lah.. just a short update.. bye.. drive safe & have a blessed aidilfitri..
Jul 27, 2011
hello blog
1. i am having the best time of my life playing mummy. adreanna is already 8 months 1 week and Alhamdulillah, she's growing healthily & happily despite the 4 days admission at columbia earlier this month. as to date, she weighs steadily around 10 kgs, a baby michelin she is! she's already crawling backward, can sit on her own and very very talkative and super clingy too. well, separation anxiety is normal at her age now so i don't really mind since she mingles around at the nursery pretty well.
2. Alhamdulillah, God has given us extra rezeki. next in line is to hunt for a good house. what i mean by good is, i am thinking of settling down for REAL. a house to live in perhaps until i retire. so, it has to be a comfortable house with an appropriate size. and with that in mind, i think i can compromise on the location. bangi might be a good idea but puncak perdana is also ok and alam budiman is a catch. it's a link house with 2600 sq ft build up omgbestgile! but well, these.. can wait until jan 2012, so no rush.
3. back to adreanna. she'll be turning 1 y.o in 4 months. u think it's a long way to go? think again. 8 months fly in a sec, so 4 months will be flying in 0.5 sec. i still have no idea what to do for her birthday. initially, i thot of having a 'garden party' but after doing some simple maths, the cost is almost equal to having a celebration in hong kong. so, i changed my mind. i told my husband, let's go to hong kong disneyland! adreanna will definitely be in heaven having mickey around her. but then i had little luck with airasia by the time i wanted to book the ticket, the price was already up sogoodbyehongkong! and now i am thinking of having it at a&w. haha. wherever it is little girl, lets hope ipad3 is already out by that time so mummy can get u an ipad at much lower price, no? iloveuadreannaaryssa.
4. work is ok. (that's all? haha)
May 8, 2011
finally.. i'm back to civilization!
7 days without a handphone, tv, music, news, etc..
def. a lot of stories to tell
but that can wait
till then :)
7 days without a handphone, tv, music, news, etc..
def. a lot of stories to tell
but that can wait
till then :)
Apr 26, 2011
and the day finally comes...
.. oh dear HR, can i just bring my baby too? or if it is too impossible, can i just stay at the nearby hotel so i can put my baby to sleep every night? huhu
i am mentally not ready to leave adreanna for the whole one week
even though i know she will be in safe hands of my mother
but the thought of leaving her, and not be able to cuddle her before sleep
it's just... plain torturing!
and worse, it is only 4 days away and i am yet to complete the milk stock for her
i still have about 15 bottles to go but i am thissssssss close to giving up
i mean, 15 bottles for the stock and another 12 bottles for her daily consume..
but being stressed doesn't help at all except lowering the production
hence bringing me even further away from my target
so, be happy.. that's it..
think positive..
semoga Allah memberkati niat murni ini..
dan memurah kn rezeki Adreanna.. Amin..
Apr 13, 2011
... my 1st home scheme
kononnn.. what the H.. where got house priced at less than rm220k these days?
i mean, of course la ade but then sgt la tk convenient bagi kami2 yang bekerja di tgh kota metropolitan ni.. tk kn la nk suruh beli rumah kt semenyih pastu pukul 5 pagi buta dah kene gerak kluar.. at least, letak la rm350K ke.. but anyway, we are not eligible for that scheme pn.. so dok diam2 sudah.. hehehe
cakap pasal rumah, mari menjamu mata with these photos:
simply gorgeous ok.. *jaw dropped*
and it is in PUCHONG y'alls and it has 4-tiers security which apparently the utmost plus point for me.. and the price also is pretty affordable..
but the minus point is: the units are almost sold out and the expected completion date is march 2014.. that is like.. 3 years away from now? and by that time, adreanna is already 4 years old and insyaAllah, already a kakak to a charming baby brother (amin... hehe)
so, lets start the hunting process again.. and lets hope for august to bring good news for me.. :D..
i mean, of course la ade but then sgt la tk convenient bagi kami2 yang bekerja di tgh kota metropolitan ni.. tk kn la nk suruh beli rumah kt semenyih pastu pukul 5 pagi buta dah kene gerak kluar.. at least, letak la rm350K ke.. but anyway, we are not eligible for that scheme pn.. so dok diam2 sudah.. hehehe
cakap pasal rumah, mari menjamu mata with these photos:
simply gorgeous ok.. *jaw dropped*
and it is in PUCHONG y'alls and it has 4-tiers security which apparently the utmost plus point for me.. and the price also is pretty affordable..
but the minus point is: the units are almost sold out and the expected completion date is march 2014.. that is like.. 3 years away from now? and by that time, adreanna is already 4 years old and insyaAllah, already a kakak to a charming baby brother (amin... hehe)
so, lets start the hunting process again.. and lets hope for august to bring good news for me.. :D..
Mar 31, 2011
air mata berguguran........
hello blog, it's been ages since i last visited u.. i am very busy playing mummy u know.. hehe
anyway, i have nothing much to write actually.. just want to share this touching story.. omg, i swear i criedeverytime the first time i read this.. (btw, i got this from somewhere, tk igt mane, sorry sbb copy.. huhu)
anyway, i have nothing much to write actually.. just want to share this touching story.. omg, i swear i cried
Hari ini, saya terpanggil bagi berkongsi satu kisah
yang sangat menyentuh hati dan naluri saya sebagai seorang yang bergelar ummi,
anak dan insan. Kisah ini adalah perkongsian daripada seorang DJ radio yang
menjadi halwa telinga saya di dalam kereta, sepanjang menuju ke pejabat. Ini
adalah kisah benar yang diceritakan oleh rakan beliau yang bertugas sebagai
anggota bomba. Mungkin ada juga rakan-rakan di luar sana yang turut mendengar
perkongsian ini.
Kisahnya perihal satu keluarga yang mengalami kemalangan
ngeri. Kereta yang mereka naiki terbabas, berpusing, melanggar pembahagi jalan
lalu terperosok ke dalam longkang. Dalam kejadian ini, kereta itu remuk teruk
dan penumpangnya mengalami kecederaan parah. Cermin hadapan habis retak
berderai. Tidak ditekankan keadaan pemandunya. Tetapi saya fikir, pemandunya
menemui ajal di situ juga. Mahu diceritakan, penumpang yang duduk di sebelah
pemandu mengalami kecederaan yang sangat parah. Wajahnya habis berlumuran darah.
Dahinya terkopek sehingga menonjolkan tulang tengkorak. Mungkin juga akibat
terhantuk pada papan pemuka kereta ditambah dengan pecahan kaca cermin hadapan.
Ajaibnya kuasa Tuhan, bayinya selamat tetapi terpelanting ke kerusi belakang.
Bayi kecil yang tidak tahu apa-apa itu meraung dan menangis. Mungkin kerana
kesakitan, kesedihan, terkejut dan sebagainya.
Sewaktu anggota bomba itu
mengambil dan mahu menyelamatkan si kecil tadi, ibunya terketar-ketar dan
menggigil sambil memberi isyarat kepada beliau. Subhanallah, rupa-rupanya si ibu
tadi mahukan bayinya bagi disusukan. Diselak bajunya dengan sedaya upaya dan
disusukan si kecil itu dengan penuh rasa sayu, pilu dan kasih sayang.
kecil senyap di dalam dakapan ibunya. Betapa nyamannya dakapan ibu itu sehingga
mampu menenangkan si kecil yang ketakutan. Dengan kuasa dan izin Allah, ibu itu
tiba-tiba tercungap-cungap mencari nafas, tanda ajalnya yang semakin hampir.
Lalu terkapailah si ibu dalam keadaan yang penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan kasih
sayang itu. Ya Allah, betapa pilunya situasi itu sehingga merenggut ketenangan
anggota bomba tadi.
Sewaktu saya mendengar perkongsian ini, air mata saya
berderaian laju menitis di pipi. Malah, tatkala menukil kata demi kata dalam
ruang maya ini juga, bagaikan sukar air mata ini mahu ditepis. Betapa luhur dan
agungnya perasaan kasih seorang ibu kepada permata hatinya. Tidak terbalas dek
kita sebagai anak, yang selama ini tidak habis-habis bergantung pada jasa
Dari kecil dibelai ibu, sudah besar masih juga mahu bergantung pada
ibu. Masakan tersedap, air tangan ibu. Segala pengalaman dunia, mahu dirujuk
pada ibu.
Sahabat sekalian, selagi kita memiliki dan punya ibu, hargailah
ibu kita setinggi-tingginya. Muliakan dan tatanglah ibu kita persis menatang air
yang penuh tatkala berada di gurun yang gersang tanpa penghujung. Betapa
berharganya air itu sehingga sekiranya boleh, setitis pun kita tidak mahu jatuh
ke bumi. Tanpa air itu, takkan lama kita bertahan dalam mengharungi perjalanan
di atas gurun tadi.Semoga kita mendapat iktibar daripada kisah yang dikongsikan
yang sangat menyentuh hati dan naluri saya sebagai seorang yang bergelar ummi,
anak dan insan. Kisah ini adalah perkongsian daripada seorang DJ radio yang
menjadi halwa telinga saya di dalam kereta, sepanjang menuju ke pejabat. Ini
adalah kisah benar yang diceritakan oleh rakan beliau yang bertugas sebagai
anggota bomba. Mungkin ada juga rakan-rakan di luar sana yang turut mendengar
perkongsian ini.
Kisahnya perihal satu keluarga yang mengalami kemalangan
ngeri. Kereta yang mereka naiki terbabas, berpusing, melanggar pembahagi jalan
lalu terperosok ke dalam longkang. Dalam kejadian ini, kereta itu remuk teruk
dan penumpangnya mengalami kecederaan parah. Cermin hadapan habis retak
berderai. Tidak ditekankan keadaan pemandunya. Tetapi saya fikir, pemandunya
menemui ajal di situ juga. Mahu diceritakan, penumpang yang duduk di sebelah
pemandu mengalami kecederaan yang sangat parah. Wajahnya habis berlumuran darah.
Dahinya terkopek sehingga menonjolkan tulang tengkorak. Mungkin juga akibat
terhantuk pada papan pemuka kereta ditambah dengan pecahan kaca cermin hadapan.
Ajaibnya kuasa Tuhan, bayinya selamat tetapi terpelanting ke kerusi belakang.
Bayi kecil yang tidak tahu apa-apa itu meraung dan menangis. Mungkin kerana
kesakitan, kesedihan, terkejut dan sebagainya.
Sewaktu anggota bomba itu
mengambil dan mahu menyelamatkan si kecil tadi, ibunya terketar-ketar dan
menggigil sambil memberi isyarat kepada beliau. Subhanallah, rupa-rupanya si ibu
tadi mahukan bayinya bagi disusukan. Diselak bajunya dengan sedaya upaya dan
disusukan si kecil itu dengan penuh rasa sayu, pilu dan kasih sayang.
kecil senyap di dalam dakapan ibunya. Betapa nyamannya dakapan ibu itu sehingga
mampu menenangkan si kecil yang ketakutan. Dengan kuasa dan izin Allah, ibu itu
tiba-tiba tercungap-cungap mencari nafas, tanda ajalnya yang semakin hampir.
Lalu terkapailah si ibu dalam keadaan yang penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan kasih
sayang itu. Ya Allah, betapa pilunya situasi itu sehingga merenggut ketenangan
anggota bomba tadi.
Sewaktu saya mendengar perkongsian ini, air mata saya
berderaian laju menitis di pipi. Malah, tatkala menukil kata demi kata dalam
ruang maya ini juga, bagaikan sukar air mata ini mahu ditepis. Betapa luhur dan
agungnya perasaan kasih seorang ibu kepada permata hatinya. Tidak terbalas dek
kita sebagai anak, yang selama ini tidak habis-habis bergantung pada jasa
Dari kecil dibelai ibu, sudah besar masih juga mahu bergantung pada
ibu. Masakan tersedap, air tangan ibu. Segala pengalaman dunia, mahu dirujuk
pada ibu.
Sahabat sekalian, selagi kita memiliki dan punya ibu, hargailah
ibu kita setinggi-tingginya. Muliakan dan tatanglah ibu kita persis menatang air
yang penuh tatkala berada di gurun yang gersang tanpa penghujung. Betapa
berharganya air itu sehingga sekiranya boleh, setitis pun kita tidak mahu jatuh
ke bumi. Tanpa air itu, takkan lama kita bertahan dalam mengharungi perjalanan
di atas gurun tadi.Semoga kita mendapat iktibar daripada kisah yang dikongsikan
and seres rase nk nanges lagi skali.. huhu.. paling sedih part baby tu menanges and terus diam lepas isap susu the mummy.. :((..
Feb 2, 2011
shop till u drop
i used to be obsessed with browsing the online shop selling clothes etc
and think, oh my, those baju especially baby's clothes are just too gorgeous
but then, paying rm50 (plus minus) for a fake baby gap or mothercare (etc) macam tk worth it
and much thanx to my SIL, i then discovered GM KL and later Klang
and my wallet life is never the same again.. haha..
yesterday, i followed my brother and SIL to GM Klang
my initial plan was just to get one or 2 baby tights and dresses for adreanna
but guess what? i came back with this..
those tights are rm8 per piece, u can get it at rm5 per piece if u wish to buy in bulk
the rompers are rm27 each (long sleeve) and rm22 each (short sleeve) - pack of 5
dresses are 50% half the price if u buy at least 6 pieces
murah bukan, u can totally save 50% or even more compared to online shopping dowhhhh..
and those who are pregnant, sila lah bershopping di sini and u can go crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
and to make it more fun, bring along a few other people, like what i did with my SIL, so u can share (hence, getting the wholesale price)
anyway, my total damage for above items are rm179 and there goes my plan to get a new handbag.. tskkk.. (-.-)!
but i am planning to come again, sbb smlm when i was just about to leave, i found a shop selling white shirt (with different design) for rm24 each!! gilo apo.. murah nk mampsss.. haha.. so i definitely will come back again very2 soon, and this time with husband along (so can go and borong baju adreanna lagi since daddy mmg suke shopping utk adreanna.. hehe)
and think, oh my, those baju especially baby's clothes are just too gorgeous
but then, paying rm50 (plus minus) for a fake baby gap or mothercare (etc) macam tk worth it
and much thanx to my SIL, i then discovered GM KL and later Klang
and my
yesterday, i followed my brother and SIL to GM Klang
my initial plan was just to get one or 2 baby tights and dresses for adreanna
but guess what? i came back with this..
those tights are rm8 per piece, u can get it at rm5 per piece if u wish to buy in bulk
the rompers are rm27 each (long sleeve) and rm22 each (short sleeve) - pack of 5
dresses are 50% half the price if u buy at least 6 pieces
murah bukan, u can totally save 50% or even more compared to online shopping dowhhhh..
and those who are pregnant, sila lah bershopping di sini and u can go crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
and to make it more fun, bring along a few other people, like what i did with my SIL, so u can share (hence, getting the wholesale price)
anyway, my total damage for above items are rm179 and there goes my plan to get a new handbag.. tskkk.. (-.-)!
but i am planning to come again, sbb smlm when i was just about to leave, i found a shop selling white shirt (with different design) for rm24 each!! gilo apo.. murah nk mampsss.. haha.. so i definitely will come back again very2 soon, and this time with husband along (so can go and borong baju adreanna lagi since daddy mmg suke shopping utk adreanna.. hehe)
Jan 28, 2011
totally random..
the loan has been approved and i will be getting the car hopefully by tuesday
see, my new year resolution is back to square one
i settled one debt only to find myself involved in another one
which apparently of higher committment
but then again, this one, is a sacrifice
i mean, i have no choice, both my husband and i have no choice
with two person; who work different office hours, owning only one car is troublesome
and it becomes worse when you have a baby tagging along
hence, the solution, i bought myself a new car
after much consideration, i opted for a new one instead of a used car
and it is just a very small car anyway enough for a town-ride, office-home-office
adreanna is already 2 months 6 days today and she weighs 6.2kg as of last week
which means, carrying her around requires extra energy
what more, being adreanna, she just loves to be carried around only by mummy, not daddy
so, i can definitely foresee stronger muscles in the months to come
i am still adapting my new title as a full time working mummy
adreanna can be difficult at times which leaves me feeling hopeless & guilty
i can't tolerate when she cries non stop not because i regret having her around
but because i just simply can't bear seeing her crying
and usually it ends up with me crying together with her
i am such a bad mummy, huh :((
but i love her way too much i just want to see her happy and smile ALL the time
there will only be 2 days of working next week
happy long holiday people~~!
see, my new year resolution is back to square one
i settled one debt only to find myself involved in another one
which apparently of higher committment
but then again, this one, is a sacrifice
i mean, i have no choice, both my husband and i have no choice
with two person; who work different office hours, owning only one car is troublesome
and it becomes worse when you have a baby tagging along
hence, the solution, i bought myself a new car
after much consideration, i opted for a new one instead of a used car
and it is just a very small car anyway enough for a town-ride, office-home-office
adreanna is already 2 months 6 days today and she weighs 6.2kg as of last week
which means, carrying her around requires extra energy
what more, being adreanna, she just loves to be carried around only by mummy, not daddy
so, i can definitely foresee stronger muscles in the months to come
i am still adapting my new title as a full time working mummy
adreanna can be difficult at times which leaves me feeling hopeless & guilty
i can't tolerate when she cries non stop not because i regret having her around
but because i just simply can't bear seeing her crying
and usually it ends up with me crying together with her
i am such a bad mummy, huh :((
but i love her way too much i just want to see her happy and smile ALL the time
there will only be 2 days of working next week
happy long holiday people~~!
Jan 10, 2011
i'm back!
just arrived from pahang at 1pm this afternoon. it feels different to be home after 7 weeks of 'holiday' what more to come back with extra 'baggage'.. it's adreanna's first time and she took it.. err.. quite well kot considering that she has been sleeping since tadi.. only wakes up for milk, even falls asleep while on my boobs.. it must be the weather kot, sejuk melampau tp tk hujan pn..
anyway, i have a lot to write especially.. of course on my birth story.. to be honest, i almost forget the whole experience so i seriously need to write it down soon so that i can read it again in the future.. the experience is just wayyy too priceless to be forgotten mcm tu aje, obviously..
so, will write more when i have the time i.e. when adreanna is sleeping.. :)
anyway, i have a lot to write especially.. of course on my birth story.. to be honest, i almost forget the whole experience so i seriously need to write it down soon so that i can read it again in the future.. the experience is just wayyy too priceless to be forgotten mcm tu aje, obviously..
so, will write more when i have the time i.e. when adreanna is sleeping.. :)
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Sep 6, 2011
Aug 26, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin
This raya brings a lot more meaning to us as it is gonna be our first year with the little princess.. :) I know she understands nothing about raya but heck, I have bought like 9 pasang kot baju raya for adreanna.. plus the baju that my mum jahit in total she has 11 pasang.. hehe.. can’t wait to see her in the tiny baju kurung yang super comel because my mum buat ala2 fashion sket instead of plain baju kurung.. weee.. excited.. oh but I need to find a new hair band to match her raya outfit.. cream with a big flower.. so must go to cotton on this weekend.. and yeah, I think I also need to get the pink socks from lovely lace because.. hmm it’s too cute..?!! haha.. already bought a cream one yesterday but demm.. another pair won’t hurt, no? well, maybe my wallet does as it costs quite a lot jugak for just a pair of baby socks but.. it’s just plain too cute not to buy.. :D
Anyway, we will be celebrating our first day of raya in bangi this year.. so am not taking any leave before raya.. will still be working, I mean.. ‘coming to office’ on Monday.. but we can go back at 12.15pm.. woot woot..
Ok lah.. just a short update.. bye.. drive safe & have a blessed aidilfitri..
Jul 27, 2011
hello blog
1. i am having the best time of my life playing mummy. adreanna is already 8 months 1 week and Alhamdulillah, she's growing healthily & happily despite the 4 days admission at columbia earlier this month. as to date, she weighs steadily around 10 kgs, a baby michelin she is! she's already crawling backward, can sit on her own and very very talkative and super clingy too. well, separation anxiety is normal at her age now so i don't really mind since she mingles around at the nursery pretty well.
2. Alhamdulillah, God has given us extra rezeki. next in line is to hunt for a good house. what i mean by good is, i am thinking of settling down for REAL. a house to live in perhaps until i retire. so, it has to be a comfortable house with an appropriate size. and with that in mind, i think i can compromise on the location. bangi might be a good idea but puncak perdana is also ok and alam budiman is a catch. it's a link house with 2600 sq ft build up omgbestgile! but well, these.. can wait until jan 2012, so no rush.
3. back to adreanna. she'll be turning 1 y.o in 4 months. u think it's a long way to go? think again. 8 months fly in a sec, so 4 months will be flying in 0.5 sec. i still have no idea what to do for her birthday. initially, i thot of having a 'garden party' but after doing some simple maths, the cost is almost equal to having a celebration in hong kong. so, i changed my mind. i told my husband, let's go to hong kong disneyland! adreanna will definitely be in heaven having mickey around her. but then i had little luck with airasia by the time i wanted to book the ticket, the price was already up sogoodbyehongkong! and now i am thinking of having it at a&w. haha. wherever it is little girl, lets hope ipad3 is already out by that time so mummy can get u an ipad at much lower price, no? iloveuadreannaaryssa.
4. work is ok. (that's all? haha)
May 8, 2011
finally.. i'm back to civilization!
7 days without a handphone, tv, music, news, etc..
def. a lot of stories to tell
but that can wait
till then :)
7 days without a handphone, tv, music, news, etc..
def. a lot of stories to tell
but that can wait
till then :)
Apr 26, 2011
and the day finally comes...
.. oh dear HR, can i just bring my baby too? or if it is too impossible, can i just stay at the nearby hotel so i can put my baby to sleep every night? huhu
i am mentally not ready to leave adreanna for the whole one week
even though i know she will be in safe hands of my mother
but the thought of leaving her, and not be able to cuddle her before sleep
it's just... plain torturing!
and worse, it is only 4 days away and i am yet to complete the milk stock for her
i still have about 15 bottles to go but i am thissssssss close to giving up
i mean, 15 bottles for the stock and another 12 bottles for her daily consume..
but being stressed doesn't help at all except lowering the production
hence bringing me even further away from my target
so, be happy.. that's it..
think positive..
semoga Allah memberkati niat murni ini..
dan memurah kn rezeki Adreanna.. Amin..
Apr 13, 2011
... my 1st home scheme
kononnn.. what the H.. where got house priced at less than rm220k these days?
i mean, of course la ade but then sgt la tk convenient bagi kami2 yang bekerja di tgh kota metropolitan ni.. tk kn la nk suruh beli rumah kt semenyih pastu pukul 5 pagi buta dah kene gerak kluar.. at least, letak la rm350K ke.. but anyway, we are not eligible for that scheme pn.. so dok diam2 sudah.. hehehe
cakap pasal rumah, mari menjamu mata with these photos:
simply gorgeous ok.. *jaw dropped*
and it is in PUCHONG y'alls and it has 4-tiers security which apparently the utmost plus point for me.. and the price also is pretty affordable..
but the minus point is: the units are almost sold out and the expected completion date is march 2014.. that is like.. 3 years away from now? and by that time, adreanna is already 4 years old and insyaAllah, already a kakak to a charming baby brother (amin... hehe)
so, lets start the hunting process again.. and lets hope for august to bring good news for me.. :D..
i mean, of course la ade but then sgt la tk convenient bagi kami2 yang bekerja di tgh kota metropolitan ni.. tk kn la nk suruh beli rumah kt semenyih pastu pukul 5 pagi buta dah kene gerak kluar.. at least, letak la rm350K ke.. but anyway, we are not eligible for that scheme pn.. so dok diam2 sudah.. hehehe
cakap pasal rumah, mari menjamu mata with these photos:
simply gorgeous ok.. *jaw dropped*
and it is in PUCHONG y'alls and it has 4-tiers security which apparently the utmost plus point for me.. and the price also is pretty affordable..
but the minus point is: the units are almost sold out and the expected completion date is march 2014.. that is like.. 3 years away from now? and by that time, adreanna is already 4 years old and insyaAllah, already a kakak to a charming baby brother (amin... hehe)
so, lets start the hunting process again.. and lets hope for august to bring good news for me.. :D..
Mar 31, 2011
air mata berguguran........
hello blog, it's been ages since i last visited u.. i am very busy playing mummy u know.. hehe
anyway, i have nothing much to write actually.. just want to share this touching story.. omg, i swear i criedeverytime the first time i read this.. (btw, i got this from somewhere, tk igt mane, sorry sbb copy.. huhu)
anyway, i have nothing much to write actually.. just want to share this touching story.. omg, i swear i cried
Hari ini, saya terpanggil bagi berkongsi satu kisah
yang sangat menyentuh hati dan naluri saya sebagai seorang yang bergelar ummi,
anak dan insan. Kisah ini adalah perkongsian daripada seorang DJ radio yang
menjadi halwa telinga saya di dalam kereta, sepanjang menuju ke pejabat. Ini
adalah kisah benar yang diceritakan oleh rakan beliau yang bertugas sebagai
anggota bomba. Mungkin ada juga rakan-rakan di luar sana yang turut mendengar
perkongsian ini.
Kisahnya perihal satu keluarga yang mengalami kemalangan
ngeri. Kereta yang mereka naiki terbabas, berpusing, melanggar pembahagi jalan
lalu terperosok ke dalam longkang. Dalam kejadian ini, kereta itu remuk teruk
dan penumpangnya mengalami kecederaan parah. Cermin hadapan habis retak
berderai. Tidak ditekankan keadaan pemandunya. Tetapi saya fikir, pemandunya
menemui ajal di situ juga. Mahu diceritakan, penumpang yang duduk di sebelah
pemandu mengalami kecederaan yang sangat parah. Wajahnya habis berlumuran darah.
Dahinya terkopek sehingga menonjolkan tulang tengkorak. Mungkin juga akibat
terhantuk pada papan pemuka kereta ditambah dengan pecahan kaca cermin hadapan.
Ajaibnya kuasa Tuhan, bayinya selamat tetapi terpelanting ke kerusi belakang.
Bayi kecil yang tidak tahu apa-apa itu meraung dan menangis. Mungkin kerana
kesakitan, kesedihan, terkejut dan sebagainya.
Sewaktu anggota bomba itu
mengambil dan mahu menyelamatkan si kecil tadi, ibunya terketar-ketar dan
menggigil sambil memberi isyarat kepada beliau. Subhanallah, rupa-rupanya si ibu
tadi mahukan bayinya bagi disusukan. Diselak bajunya dengan sedaya upaya dan
disusukan si kecil itu dengan penuh rasa sayu, pilu dan kasih sayang.
kecil senyap di dalam dakapan ibunya. Betapa nyamannya dakapan ibu itu sehingga
mampu menenangkan si kecil yang ketakutan. Dengan kuasa dan izin Allah, ibu itu
tiba-tiba tercungap-cungap mencari nafas, tanda ajalnya yang semakin hampir.
Lalu terkapailah si ibu dalam keadaan yang penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan kasih
sayang itu. Ya Allah, betapa pilunya situasi itu sehingga merenggut ketenangan
anggota bomba tadi.
Sewaktu saya mendengar perkongsian ini, air mata saya
berderaian laju menitis di pipi. Malah, tatkala menukil kata demi kata dalam
ruang maya ini juga, bagaikan sukar air mata ini mahu ditepis. Betapa luhur dan
agungnya perasaan kasih seorang ibu kepada permata hatinya. Tidak terbalas dek
kita sebagai anak, yang selama ini tidak habis-habis bergantung pada jasa
Dari kecil dibelai ibu, sudah besar masih juga mahu bergantung pada
ibu. Masakan tersedap, air tangan ibu. Segala pengalaman dunia, mahu dirujuk
pada ibu.
Sahabat sekalian, selagi kita memiliki dan punya ibu, hargailah
ibu kita setinggi-tingginya. Muliakan dan tatanglah ibu kita persis menatang air
yang penuh tatkala berada di gurun yang gersang tanpa penghujung. Betapa
berharganya air itu sehingga sekiranya boleh, setitis pun kita tidak mahu jatuh
ke bumi. Tanpa air itu, takkan lama kita bertahan dalam mengharungi perjalanan
di atas gurun tadi.Semoga kita mendapat iktibar daripada kisah yang dikongsikan
yang sangat menyentuh hati dan naluri saya sebagai seorang yang bergelar ummi,
anak dan insan. Kisah ini adalah perkongsian daripada seorang DJ radio yang
menjadi halwa telinga saya di dalam kereta, sepanjang menuju ke pejabat. Ini
adalah kisah benar yang diceritakan oleh rakan beliau yang bertugas sebagai
anggota bomba. Mungkin ada juga rakan-rakan di luar sana yang turut mendengar
perkongsian ini.
Kisahnya perihal satu keluarga yang mengalami kemalangan
ngeri. Kereta yang mereka naiki terbabas, berpusing, melanggar pembahagi jalan
lalu terperosok ke dalam longkang. Dalam kejadian ini, kereta itu remuk teruk
dan penumpangnya mengalami kecederaan parah. Cermin hadapan habis retak
berderai. Tidak ditekankan keadaan pemandunya. Tetapi saya fikir, pemandunya
menemui ajal di situ juga. Mahu diceritakan, penumpang yang duduk di sebelah
pemandu mengalami kecederaan yang sangat parah. Wajahnya habis berlumuran darah.
Dahinya terkopek sehingga menonjolkan tulang tengkorak. Mungkin juga akibat
terhantuk pada papan pemuka kereta ditambah dengan pecahan kaca cermin hadapan.
Ajaibnya kuasa Tuhan, bayinya selamat tetapi terpelanting ke kerusi belakang.
Bayi kecil yang tidak tahu apa-apa itu meraung dan menangis. Mungkin kerana
kesakitan, kesedihan, terkejut dan sebagainya.
Sewaktu anggota bomba itu
mengambil dan mahu menyelamatkan si kecil tadi, ibunya terketar-ketar dan
menggigil sambil memberi isyarat kepada beliau. Subhanallah, rupa-rupanya si ibu
tadi mahukan bayinya bagi disusukan. Diselak bajunya dengan sedaya upaya dan
disusukan si kecil itu dengan penuh rasa sayu, pilu dan kasih sayang.
kecil senyap di dalam dakapan ibunya. Betapa nyamannya dakapan ibu itu sehingga
mampu menenangkan si kecil yang ketakutan. Dengan kuasa dan izin Allah, ibu itu
tiba-tiba tercungap-cungap mencari nafas, tanda ajalnya yang semakin hampir.
Lalu terkapailah si ibu dalam keadaan yang penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan kasih
sayang itu. Ya Allah, betapa pilunya situasi itu sehingga merenggut ketenangan
anggota bomba tadi.
Sewaktu saya mendengar perkongsian ini, air mata saya
berderaian laju menitis di pipi. Malah, tatkala menukil kata demi kata dalam
ruang maya ini juga, bagaikan sukar air mata ini mahu ditepis. Betapa luhur dan
agungnya perasaan kasih seorang ibu kepada permata hatinya. Tidak terbalas dek
kita sebagai anak, yang selama ini tidak habis-habis bergantung pada jasa
Dari kecil dibelai ibu, sudah besar masih juga mahu bergantung pada
ibu. Masakan tersedap, air tangan ibu. Segala pengalaman dunia, mahu dirujuk
pada ibu.
Sahabat sekalian, selagi kita memiliki dan punya ibu, hargailah
ibu kita setinggi-tingginya. Muliakan dan tatanglah ibu kita persis menatang air
yang penuh tatkala berada di gurun yang gersang tanpa penghujung. Betapa
berharganya air itu sehingga sekiranya boleh, setitis pun kita tidak mahu jatuh
ke bumi. Tanpa air itu, takkan lama kita bertahan dalam mengharungi perjalanan
di atas gurun tadi.Semoga kita mendapat iktibar daripada kisah yang dikongsikan
and seres rase nk nanges lagi skali.. huhu.. paling sedih part baby tu menanges and terus diam lepas isap susu the mummy.. :((..
Feb 2, 2011
shop till u drop
i used to be obsessed with browsing the online shop selling clothes etc
and think, oh my, those baju especially baby's clothes are just too gorgeous
but then, paying rm50 (plus minus) for a fake baby gap or mothercare (etc) macam tk worth it
and much thanx to my SIL, i then discovered GM KL and later Klang
and my wallet life is never the same again.. haha..
yesterday, i followed my brother and SIL to GM Klang
my initial plan was just to get one or 2 baby tights and dresses for adreanna
but guess what? i came back with this..
those tights are rm8 per piece, u can get it at rm5 per piece if u wish to buy in bulk
the rompers are rm27 each (long sleeve) and rm22 each (short sleeve) - pack of 5
dresses are 50% half the price if u buy at least 6 pieces
murah bukan, u can totally save 50% or even more compared to online shopping dowhhhh..
and those who are pregnant, sila lah bershopping di sini and u can go crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
and to make it more fun, bring along a few other people, like what i did with my SIL, so u can share (hence, getting the wholesale price)
anyway, my total damage for above items are rm179 and there goes my plan to get a new handbag.. tskkk.. (-.-)!
but i am planning to come again, sbb smlm when i was just about to leave, i found a shop selling white shirt (with different design) for rm24 each!! gilo apo.. murah nk mampsss.. haha.. so i definitely will come back again very2 soon, and this time with husband along (so can go and borong baju adreanna lagi since daddy mmg suke shopping utk adreanna.. hehe)
and think, oh my, those baju especially baby's clothes are just too gorgeous
but then, paying rm50 (plus minus) for a fake baby gap or mothercare (etc) macam tk worth it
and much thanx to my SIL, i then discovered GM KL and later Klang
and my
yesterday, i followed my brother and SIL to GM Klang
my initial plan was just to get one or 2 baby tights and dresses for adreanna
but guess what? i came back with this..
those tights are rm8 per piece, u can get it at rm5 per piece if u wish to buy in bulk
the rompers are rm27 each (long sleeve) and rm22 each (short sleeve) - pack of 5
dresses are 50% half the price if u buy at least 6 pieces
murah bukan, u can totally save 50% or even more compared to online shopping dowhhhh..
and those who are pregnant, sila lah bershopping di sini and u can go crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
and to make it more fun, bring along a few other people, like what i did with my SIL, so u can share (hence, getting the wholesale price)
anyway, my total damage for above items are rm179 and there goes my plan to get a new handbag.. tskkk.. (-.-)!
but i am planning to come again, sbb smlm when i was just about to leave, i found a shop selling white shirt (with different design) for rm24 each!! gilo apo.. murah nk mampsss.. haha.. so i definitely will come back again very2 soon, and this time with husband along (so can go and borong baju adreanna lagi since daddy mmg suke shopping utk adreanna.. hehe)
Jan 28, 2011
totally random..
the loan has been approved and i will be getting the car hopefully by tuesday
see, my new year resolution is back to square one
i settled one debt only to find myself involved in another one
which apparently of higher committment
but then again, this one, is a sacrifice
i mean, i have no choice, both my husband and i have no choice
with two person; who work different office hours, owning only one car is troublesome
and it becomes worse when you have a baby tagging along
hence, the solution, i bought myself a new car
after much consideration, i opted for a new one instead of a used car
and it is just a very small car anyway enough for a town-ride, office-home-office
adreanna is already 2 months 6 days today and she weighs 6.2kg as of last week
which means, carrying her around requires extra energy
what more, being adreanna, she just loves to be carried around only by mummy, not daddy
so, i can definitely foresee stronger muscles in the months to come
i am still adapting my new title as a full time working mummy
adreanna can be difficult at times which leaves me feeling hopeless & guilty
i can't tolerate when she cries non stop not because i regret having her around
but because i just simply can't bear seeing her crying
and usually it ends up with me crying together with her
i am such a bad mummy, huh :((
but i love her way too much i just want to see her happy and smile ALL the time
there will only be 2 days of working next week
happy long holiday people~~!
see, my new year resolution is back to square one
i settled one debt only to find myself involved in another one
which apparently of higher committment
but then again, this one, is a sacrifice
i mean, i have no choice, both my husband and i have no choice
with two person; who work different office hours, owning only one car is troublesome
and it becomes worse when you have a baby tagging along
hence, the solution, i bought myself a new car
after much consideration, i opted for a new one instead of a used car
and it is just a very small car anyway enough for a town-ride, office-home-office
adreanna is already 2 months 6 days today and she weighs 6.2kg as of last week
which means, carrying her around requires extra energy
what more, being adreanna, she just loves to be carried around only by mummy, not daddy
so, i can definitely foresee stronger muscles in the months to come
i am still adapting my new title as a full time working mummy
adreanna can be difficult at times which leaves me feeling hopeless & guilty
i can't tolerate when she cries non stop not because i regret having her around
but because i just simply can't bear seeing her crying
and usually it ends up with me crying together with her
i am such a bad mummy, huh :((
but i love her way too much i just want to see her happy and smile ALL the time
there will only be 2 days of working next week
happy long holiday people~~!
Jan 10, 2011
i'm back!
just arrived from pahang at 1pm this afternoon. it feels different to be home after 7 weeks of 'holiday' what more to come back with extra 'baggage'.. it's adreanna's first time and she took it.. err.. quite well kot considering that she has been sleeping since tadi.. only wakes up for milk, even falls asleep while on my boobs.. it must be the weather kot, sejuk melampau tp tk hujan pn..
anyway, i have a lot to write especially.. of course on my birth story.. to be honest, i almost forget the whole experience so i seriously need to write it down soon so that i can read it again in the future.. the experience is just wayyy too priceless to be forgotten mcm tu aje, obviously..
so, will write more when i have the time i.e. when adreanna is sleeping.. :)
anyway, i have a lot to write especially.. of course on my birth story.. to be honest, i almost forget the whole experience so i seriously need to write it down soon so that i can read it again in the future.. the experience is just wayyy too priceless to be forgotten mcm tu aje, obviously..
so, will write more when i have the time i.e. when adreanna is sleeping.. :)
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