Aug 25, 2010

kerisauan melampau..

i'll be officially 7 months pregnant come this monday which means i have less than 3 months to go.. bunyi mcm lame tp sbenarnye skejap ajo.. i can't even believe i am already this far tup2 dh nk enter the 3rd trimester..

btw, seperti biase i have nothing to do at the office.. (i don't have any specific task yet, cume assisting here and there, attend meeting and what not..) so today i spent half the day blog-hopping bace pasal BF which apparently the one thing that i seriously worry about.. as if, sangat2 risau to a point my friend pn dh bosan re-assuring me that things will be ok.. huhu..

anyway, i am soooo very very very very determined to fully breastfeed my baby at least for 2 years (seperti yg tertules dlm Quran, if i am not mistaken).. tp lagi lame lagi bagus.. and i have nothing against those who tk BF but i am afraid if they start giving bad comments.. or worse discourage me from BFing.. i've read a lot about this dlm blog pasal other people experience and this seriously scares the s**t outta me.. i am afraid i won't be as tough as they are.. huwaaaaaa..

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but lucky thing, i am gonna berpantang at my mom's house so i don't think it'll be much prob to BF cume i ain't sure how far my mom supports this.. but i've dropped hints that i want to fully BF and told mom many times about my plan on buying the breastpump etc just so she knows how determined and serious i am in this.. and i hope she will be my biggest supporter aside from hubster.. sbb i know, during the first 2 months la is the most crucial time for BFing mommy.. kalau dh terfail mase tu mmg chances to fail utk selame - lamenye mmg cerah.. huhu.. seriously la.. fikir pasal problem2 ni je dh cukup buat rase gluk2 ok.. sumpah la sangat risauuuuuu.. :((

pic googled

ya Allah, semoga Kau permudahkn segalanya.. amin..

btw, anyone knows where can i get monavie at a slightly cheaper price? :)

1 comment:

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

monavie?? can ask my friend, lea. ehh. ada baca blog dia ke? :)

don't worry! BF will come naturally to u. nak tanya apa2 or ada yg x sure, u can always ask me too. hiks. takde la terer mana tp alhamdulillah masih fully lg till now. juz set ur goals n determination kene tinggi ok!! ;)

Aug 25, 2010

kerisauan melampau..

i'll be officially 7 months pregnant come this monday which means i have less than 3 months to go.. bunyi mcm lame tp sbenarnye skejap ajo.. i can't even believe i am already this far tup2 dh nk enter the 3rd trimester..

btw, seperti biase i have nothing to do at the office.. (i don't have any specific task yet, cume assisting here and there, attend meeting and what not..) so today i spent half the day blog-hopping bace pasal BF which apparently the one thing that i seriously worry about.. as if, sangat2 risau to a point my friend pn dh bosan re-assuring me that things will be ok.. huhu..

anyway, i am soooo very very very very determined to fully breastfeed my baby at least for 2 years (seperti yg tertules dlm Quran, if i am not mistaken).. tp lagi lame lagi bagus.. and i have nothing against those who tk BF but i am afraid if they start giving bad comments.. or worse discourage me from BFing.. i've read a lot about this dlm blog pasal other people experience and this seriously scares the s**t outta me.. i am afraid i won't be as tough as they are.. huwaaaaaa..

pic googled

but lucky thing, i am gonna berpantang at my mom's house so i don't think it'll be much prob to BF cume i ain't sure how far my mom supports this.. but i've dropped hints that i want to fully BF and told mom many times about my plan on buying the breastpump etc just so she knows how determined and serious i am in this.. and i hope she will be my biggest supporter aside from hubster.. sbb i know, during the first 2 months la is the most crucial time for BFing mommy.. kalau dh terfail mase tu mmg chances to fail utk selame - lamenye mmg cerah.. huhu.. seriously la.. fikir pasal problem2 ni je dh cukup buat rase gluk2 ok.. sumpah la sangat risauuuuuu.. :((

pic googled

ya Allah, semoga Kau permudahkn segalanya.. amin..

btw, anyone knows where can i get monavie at a slightly cheaper price? :)

1 comment:

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

monavie?? can ask my friend, lea. ehh. ada baca blog dia ke? :)

don't worry! BF will come naturally to u. nak tanya apa2 or ada yg x sure, u can always ask me too. hiks. takde la terer mana tp alhamdulillah masih fully lg till now. juz set ur goals n determination kene tinggi ok!! ;)