Jun 29, 2009

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and...

same time, same day next week..
i am someone's wife
i am gonna be a wife..
woohooo.. u gotta be kidding.. :p

ok, tibe2 rase tk ready to carry the responsibilities..
pinch me.. pinch me..
ouchhh.. it is a reality..
i am gonna be a puan..
dam dim dum..

honestly, eventho i think i am not that matured to be a wife
(well, maturity is very subjective actually)
but i am sooooOo very the ready to be a mummy
i want a baby girl, and then a baby boy
and another baby girl and baby girl and a baby boy..
(yeahh, i want 5 kids..!)
but.. first thing first..


so wedding preparations are almost done
most of the things have been paid in full
cuma tinggal nk collect je
and i loveeeee my wedding outfit
love.. love.. love..
because it got lotsa buttons at the front..
and i love the color..
eventho it makes my fiance looks kel-ier..
(sorry syg.. hehe..)
but it is perfect (to my eyes..) eventho it is very the simple.. :)


MaRyAMOhd said...

dup dap x??????????

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

id... tak sabar nye tunggu ur wedding! am i able to make it? ntah laa.. but i wish you all the best dear!! best kawen nih.. heeee! :D

Ummi to Hamzah said...

u can do it :) jgn risau idya,that feeling of doubt mmg will come the closer it gets to the big day..and frankly,i'd think no first time bride to be in this world would be truly ready to be a man's wife for we've never had any experience before.Kawen best as Nit says...indeed in the beginning of your marriage journey every second simply feels like a true bliss but don't forget occasionally there will comes a time when both of you are being tested simply because it requires alot of understanding and compromising in getting to know each other all over again under one roof (and in 1 bedroom :).So savour the coming new experiences on being a wife,insyaAllah for you've made decision to accept a man's proposal would mean especially with Allah SWT's blessing for soal jodoh mmg di tangan Allah,dia yang menentukan tiba saat ijab kabul di laksanakan between u two..then alhamdulillah,mmg your jodoh and make the best out of the person you'll have to yourself for the rest of your life and never forget...jangan putus doakan for each other and in your marriage.

simply_lovers said...

tkde la dup dap mar.. tp cm dgr lagu kawen rase cm meremang.. hehehe..

thank you knits..

thank you so much mawar.. :).. right words at the right time.. please pray for me yah.. thanx again...!! btw, did u go to the clinic the other day?! how was the result?!

Jun 29, 2009

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and...

same time, same day next week..
i am someone's wife
i am gonna be a wife..
woohooo.. u gotta be kidding.. :p

ok, tibe2 rase tk ready to carry the responsibilities..
pinch me.. pinch me..
ouchhh.. it is a reality..
i am gonna be a puan..
dam dim dum..

honestly, eventho i think i am not that matured to be a wife
(well, maturity is very subjective actually)
but i am sooooOo very the ready to be a mummy
i want a baby girl, and then a baby boy
and another baby girl and baby girl and a baby boy..
(yeahh, i want 5 kids..!)
but.. first thing first..


so wedding preparations are almost done
most of the things have been paid in full
cuma tinggal nk collect je
and i loveeeee my wedding outfit
love.. love.. love..
because it got lotsa buttons at the front..
and i love the color..
eventho it makes my fiance looks kel-ier..
(sorry syg.. hehe..)
but it is perfect (to my eyes..) eventho it is very the simple.. :)


MaRyAMOhd said...

dup dap x??????????

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

id... tak sabar nye tunggu ur wedding! am i able to make it? ntah laa.. but i wish you all the best dear!! best kawen nih.. heeee! :D

Ummi to Hamzah said...

u can do it :) jgn risau idya,that feeling of doubt mmg will come the closer it gets to the big day..and frankly,i'd think no first time bride to be in this world would be truly ready to be a man's wife for we've never had any experience before.Kawen best as Nit says...indeed in the beginning of your marriage journey every second simply feels like a true bliss but don't forget occasionally there will comes a time when both of you are being tested simply because it requires alot of understanding and compromising in getting to know each other all over again under one roof (and in 1 bedroom :).So savour the coming new experiences on being a wife,insyaAllah for you've made decision to accept a man's proposal would mean especially with Allah SWT's blessing for soal jodoh mmg di tangan Allah,dia yang menentukan tiba saat ijab kabul di laksanakan between u two..then alhamdulillah,mmg your jodoh and make the best out of the person you'll have to yourself for the rest of your life and never forget...jangan putus doakan for each other and in your marriage.

simply_lovers said...

tkde la dup dap mar.. tp cm dgr lagu kawen rase cm meremang.. hehehe..

thank you knits..

thank you so much mawar.. :).. right words at the right time.. please pray for me yah.. thanx again...!! btw, did u go to the clinic the other day?! how was the result?!