Jul 15, 2008

wedding favors - partly-checked!

well, we have both agreed on the wedding favors but no confirmation yet as we have to refer to our parents first :)


we had a little family get-together last night at sate kajang hj samuri
the treat was on mama (his mother) & everyone was there
abah & mama, adik, abg nan + k.ros, him + me, kakak + pokman, k.cik + taufek
it was actually some sorta farewell dinner for pokman (his adik-in-laws) who will be flying back to miri (or bintulu, luperrr.. hehe)
he's gonna be on the ship (or vessel or wutever they call it..:p..) for 2 months and will only come back in Ramadhan
poor kakak (his sister).. hehe..
both are still on honeymoon and worst, she's 3 weeks pregger.. :)
and yupp talk about preggers..
kak ros (his kakak-in-laws) is also pregnant
hence, the dinner was also a celebration for the eagerly-anticipated little babies.. :)
the crowd was superbly nice and i had a terrific time mingling around with my future in-laws..

Jul 15, 2008

wedding favors - partly-checked!

well, we have both agreed on the wedding favors but no confirmation yet as we have to refer to our parents first :)


we had a little family get-together last night at sate kajang hj samuri
the treat was on mama (his mother) & everyone was there
abah & mama, adik, abg nan + k.ros, him + me, kakak + pokman, k.cik + taufek
it was actually some sorta farewell dinner for pokman (his adik-in-laws) who will be flying back to miri (or bintulu, luperrr.. hehe)
he's gonna be on the ship (or vessel or wutever they call it..:p..) for 2 months and will only come back in Ramadhan
poor kakak (his sister).. hehe..
both are still on honeymoon and worst, she's 3 weeks pregger.. :)
and yupp talk about preggers..
kak ros (his kakak-in-laws) is also pregnant
hence, the dinner was also a celebration for the eagerly-anticipated little babies.. :)
the crowd was superbly nice and i had a terrific time mingling around with my future in-laws..