Oct 14, 2010


i. time seems to move super slow this month.. don't u think so? or perhaps i'm the only one who suffers because (1) gaji awal sgt last month which was on the 23rd sept (2) gaji dh abes mase pegi convo kt skudai (3) there are still a lot of things to buy for little one yet gaji lmbt gile lagi masuk.. well, that might be the reasons kot.. adoiii.. 26th oct is like 12 days away lagi and i'm surviving on hubster's or else tiap2 hari minom teh tarik free je kt pantry..

ii. i'm down with fever for two nights already.. temperature going high everytime malam menjelma.. seriously sangat uncomfy to have a good sleep as i tend to wake up at midnight dgn badan berpeluh2.. 16 degrees aircond + full blast kipas lantai + full blast ceiling fan pn masih tk mampu menghilang kn kepanasan.. well, the weather might be the penyebab because it hasn't rained for the last few days kn? there wasn't even a drop of embun when we went out this morning.. so, marilah kite menyokong tenaga nuklear merangkap tenaga hijau dlm mengurangkn kepanasan.. boleh? haha..

iii. i think i can feel the braxton hicks already.. tp masih tidak pasti.. but i feel like having a very mild period pain.. mcm tu ke rase braxton hicks??!

iv. ptg ni hubster nk belanje lamb chop.. yay! mengidam since aritu

v. did i tell u that my hubster got a new job already? well, Alhamdulillah rezeki baby.. :).. so after this no more 12-hour shift for him means more time can be spent with me and our baby soon.. and yg penting no more lonely nights eventho still ade shift but it's only 8-hour a day.. and i no more drive to office! yay.. sbb hubster will take an lrt from abdullah hukum to klcc and klcc to abdullah hukum..

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Oct 14, 2010


i. time seems to move super slow this month.. don't u think so? or perhaps i'm the only one who suffers because (1) gaji awal sgt last month which was on the 23rd sept (2) gaji dh abes mase pegi convo kt skudai (3) there are still a lot of things to buy for little one yet gaji lmbt gile lagi masuk.. well, that might be the reasons kot.. adoiii.. 26th oct is like 12 days away lagi and i'm surviving on hubster's or else tiap2 hari minom teh tarik free je kt pantry..

ii. i'm down with fever for two nights already.. temperature going high everytime malam menjelma.. seriously sangat uncomfy to have a good sleep as i tend to wake up at midnight dgn badan berpeluh2.. 16 degrees aircond + full blast kipas lantai + full blast ceiling fan pn masih tk mampu menghilang kn kepanasan.. well, the weather might be the penyebab because it hasn't rained for the last few days kn? there wasn't even a drop of embun when we went out this morning.. so, marilah kite menyokong tenaga nuklear merangkap tenaga hijau dlm mengurangkn kepanasan.. boleh? haha..

iii. i think i can feel the braxton hicks already.. tp masih tidak pasti.. but i feel like having a very mild period pain.. mcm tu ke rase braxton hicks??!

iv. ptg ni hubster nk belanje lamb chop.. yay! mengidam since aritu

v. did i tell u that my hubster got a new job already? well, Alhamdulillah rezeki baby.. :).. so after this no more 12-hour shift for him means more time can be spent with me and our baby soon.. and yg penting no more lonely nights eventho still ade shift but it's only 8-hour a day.. and i no more drive to office! yay.. sbb hubster will take an lrt from abdullah hukum to klcc and klcc to abdullah hukum..

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