Jun 28, 2010

natural birth

"Women at The Farm know that labor can be painful, but many of them know as well that labor and birth can be ecstatic -- even orgasmic. Above all, whether or not they experienced labor as painful, to a woman, they found labor and birth a tremendously empowering passage"

"There is extraordinary psychological benefit in belonging to a group of women who have positive stories to tell about their birth experiences.. So many horror stories circulate about birth that it can be difficult for women to believe that labor and birth can be a beneficial experience.. If you have been pregnant for a while, it's probable that you've already heard some scary birth stories from friends or relatives"

"Believe me: if you are told that some experience is going to hurt, it will hurt. Most pain is in the mind, and when a woman absorbs the idea that the act of giving birth is excruciatingly painful -- when she gets this information from her mother, her sisters, her married friends, and her physician -- that woman has been mentally prepared to feel great agony"

- ina may's guide to childbirth -

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Jun 28, 2010

natural birth

"Women at The Farm know that labor can be painful, but many of them know as well that labor and birth can be ecstatic -- even orgasmic. Above all, whether or not they experienced labor as painful, to a woman, they found labor and birth a tremendously empowering passage"

"There is extraordinary psychological benefit in belonging to a group of women who have positive stories to tell about their birth experiences.. So many horror stories circulate about birth that it can be difficult for women to believe that labor and birth can be a beneficial experience.. If you have been pregnant for a while, it's probable that you've already heard some scary birth stories from friends or relatives"

"Believe me: if you are told that some experience is going to hurt, it will hurt. Most pain is in the mind, and when a woman absorbs the idea that the act of giving birth is excruciatingly painful -- when she gets this information from her mother, her sisters, her married friends, and her physician -- that woman has been mentally prepared to feel great agony"

- ina may's guide to childbirth -

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