Mar 11, 2010

blogs.. babies..

my favorite past time since becoming a lecturer now involves lotsa blog-reading. haha. yes, because i have more than enough time to waste, no? of course not, it's because this stupid college restricted the internet access to not only facebook and the likes, but also to yahoomail, gmail etc. (thank God, they didn't block blogspot?) and nak gune ultrasoft pun sangaaat la slow, hence i use my time "wisely" hopping from one blog to another.. ok2.. that is a very2 lame excuse.. boleh je sbenarnye buat bende lain sbb gune wirelesskl yg agak laju.. :p

anyway, back to my blog activities.. i have a few blogs that are now officially become my favourites.. those are ob.3fi.3nd and a few mommies' blog.. i simply love ob.3fi3.nd's because i found his writing very2 amusing and at the same time mind-provoking.. if u happen to visit his blog, yes, i love that kinda entries.. that's why my favorite newspaper now is the sun sbb selain dr free, i like the articles written by a columnist named nades.. it's like an eye-opener and sangat informative (may be not to others)

and sometimes, when i need something light, i hop to a few of my favorite mommies' blog or newly-wed's blog.. i love reading their stories on raising their first kids or pregger with their first kids or preparing for the wedding and etc.. very2 refreshing.. :).. hehe.. and seriously boleh addicted ok.. and talking about babies, i visited one of my uni-mate's blog yesterday and she wrote about her wishes for her yet non-existent baby.. and i think i would love to do that as well.. it will serve as a reminder for me in the future because i tend to forget things easily.. anyway, it is just my wishes.. may be or may be not it will be materialized, only God knows.. 

  1. i don't want my kids to get involved in ben10, ultraman, upin&ipin wutever thingy.. a big no-no.. (i was brought up that way, and i survived! so, it shudn't be a problem i guess)
  2. i don't want my baby boy to have any toys such as plastic gun, plastic sword or the likes.. ade lah haram tidak di benarkan same sekali.. :)
  3. i don't want my kids to ever, ever, ever eat junkfood.. NEVERRRRRRRRRRRR.. (my mom never bought me and abang twisties, pringles, super ring ke ape ke mase kecik2 dulu.. huhu.. maggi pn once or twice a year je, seriously.. and yeah, we survived!)
  4. i want my kids to love to read.. hence i will make sure i start reading books to them as early as possible 
  5. i don't want my baby girl to just wear pink and my baby boy to just wear blue
  6. i want to fully breastfeed my baby until at least 1 year-old (i know it's difficult for a working mom but i've read in a magazine it's do-able)
  7. i don't want to spoil my kids but i want to be their best friend
  8. i want my baby boy to be a tahfiz hence i will send him to sekolah tahfiz as early as possible (ini adelah WAJIB! dear God, please2 remind me when the time comes)
  9. i don't want to buy expensive things for my kids just because i love them so much (no offense ye.. i know most parents love doing this)
  10. (to be filled when the time comes.. hehe)

and no.. i am not pregnant yet.. :)


Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

babe, lets aim for 2011 baby!! jom memboyot bersama.... weeeeee!! :P

chaiyok2, idya! i know that u sooo want this. i feel u... good luck! :)

idya said...

jom.. 2011 la tp.. 2010 tk kot.. hehehe..

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

yes, lets 2011! :D

Mar 11, 2010

blogs.. babies..

my favorite past time since becoming a lecturer now involves lotsa blog-reading. haha. yes, because i have more than enough time to waste, no? of course not, it's because this stupid college restricted the internet access to not only facebook and the likes, but also to yahoomail, gmail etc. (thank God, they didn't block blogspot?) and nak gune ultrasoft pun sangaaat la slow, hence i use my time "wisely" hopping from one blog to another.. ok2.. that is a very2 lame excuse.. boleh je sbenarnye buat bende lain sbb gune wirelesskl yg agak laju.. :p

anyway, back to my blog activities.. i have a few blogs that are now officially become my favourites.. those are ob.3fi.3nd and a few mommies' blog.. i simply love ob.3fi3.nd's because i found his writing very2 amusing and at the same time mind-provoking.. if u happen to visit his blog, yes, i love that kinda entries.. that's why my favorite newspaper now is the sun sbb selain dr free, i like the articles written by a columnist named nades.. it's like an eye-opener and sangat informative (may be not to others)

and sometimes, when i need something light, i hop to a few of my favorite mommies' blog or newly-wed's blog.. i love reading their stories on raising their first kids or pregger with their first kids or preparing for the wedding and etc.. very2 refreshing.. :).. hehe.. and seriously boleh addicted ok.. and talking about babies, i visited one of my uni-mate's blog yesterday and she wrote about her wishes for her yet non-existent baby.. and i think i would love to do that as well.. it will serve as a reminder for me in the future because i tend to forget things easily.. anyway, it is just my wishes.. may be or may be not it will be materialized, only God knows.. 

  1. i don't want my kids to get involved in ben10, ultraman, upin&ipin wutever thingy.. a big no-no.. (i was brought up that way, and i survived! so, it shudn't be a problem i guess)
  2. i don't want my baby boy to have any toys such as plastic gun, plastic sword or the likes.. ade lah haram tidak di benarkan same sekali.. :)
  3. i don't want my kids to ever, ever, ever eat junkfood.. NEVERRRRRRRRRRRR.. (my mom never bought me and abang twisties, pringles, super ring ke ape ke mase kecik2 dulu.. huhu.. maggi pn once or twice a year je, seriously.. and yeah, we survived!)
  4. i want my kids to love to read.. hence i will make sure i start reading books to them as early as possible 
  5. i don't want my baby girl to just wear pink and my baby boy to just wear blue
  6. i want to fully breastfeed my baby until at least 1 year-old (i know it's difficult for a working mom but i've read in a magazine it's do-able)
  7. i don't want to spoil my kids but i want to be their best friend
  8. i want my baby boy to be a tahfiz hence i will send him to sekolah tahfiz as early as possible (ini adelah WAJIB! dear God, please2 remind me when the time comes)
  9. i don't want to buy expensive things for my kids just because i love them so much (no offense ye.. i know most parents love doing this)
  10. (to be filled when the time comes.. hehe)

and no.. i am not pregnant yet.. :)


Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

babe, lets aim for 2011 baby!! jom memboyot bersama.... weeeeee!! :P

chaiyok2, idya! i know that u sooo want this. i feel u... good luck! :)

idya said...

jom.. 2011 la tp.. 2010 tk kot.. hehehe..

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

yes, lets 2011! :D